Jackson Fish Market

Thanks for checking out our help wanted page.

  • We need developers and designers most of all.
  • For now, we’re looking for per project help only. We’re just not ready to sign people up for full-time gigs just yet. Though we have plenty of contract work available. We’d love to have a rolodex filled with great people who want to come help us build some fun online consumer experiences.
  • As much as deep technical or design skills are critical for us, the most successful working relationships we’ve had over the past few months have been with folks who are incredibly professional, disciplined, focused, and leave their egos at the door. Attitude comes first.
  • For developers: the work we’re doing generally falls into the same profile in terms of what we’re building. On the front end its HTML, CSS, AJAX, Flash, and Silverlight. On the back end it’s either Linux+Apache+Rails+MySQL or the Microsoft stack including ASP.NET and SQL Server. And typically we like to work with folks who can span the front and back ends. Folks with expertise in one or another are ok as long as they understand how to interact with the other side. And for front end folks, we need production code quality only. No prototype code.
  • For designers: fundamentally we’re creating new consumer online experiences. This includes everything from polished user interfaces to new brands to content, animation, characters, etc. Basically the entire stack of things required to create an end-to-end “hi-def” production experience. (For reference you can look at the stuff we’ve already shipped.) We expect you to be pretty comfortable with the range of traditional tools required to make this happen (the Adobe suites, etc.). You don’t have to be a flash developer, but it wouldn’t hurt if you wanted to be able to add it to your repertoire to at least be able to express your designs more richly.
  • You can stay working out of your home office or cool studio or neighborhood café. Though you’re more than welcome to come by and hang out working from JFM HQ whenever the mood strikes you.
  • We prefer folks based in Seattle so we can have at least a few face to face meetings. But once we get comfortable, folks can work anywhere on the planet where there’s internet.
  • We are happy to work with agencies and contract shops, but ultimately we don’t need much of the infrastructure that these groups provide. We work directly with developers and do our own project management, etc.
  • We pay competitively, we’re good to work with, and we have a bunch of fun efforts underway on which we are striving to do our absolute best.
  • As for full-time work, we hope and expect to be in a position down the road where some of our best contract folks are interested in full-time gigs and we’re in a position to offer them.

That’s it for now. We’d definitely love anyone who is interested in working on one of our projects to get in touch.